Here are some resources to find a holistic practitioner in your area!

Pulsed Magnetics Reducing inflammation and increasing your body’s ability to heal. There are pulse centers all over the country.

QNRT – Practitioners that work on the mind-body connection and reducing stress in your body.

IV Therapy – Search IV Therapy near me, and choose someone that uses preservative-free ingredients, and therapeutic doses.

German New Medicine – Brain-body Connections to conditions, Books by Louise Hay- Heal Your Body.

RST Sanexas – Therapy that helps with neuropathy and pain of any kind.

ICAK – Applied Kinesiology practitioners, people that are skilled in muscle work and applied Kinesiology.

Our YouTube Cahnnel– Dr. Schilling’s wellness minutes on all sorts of conditions.

Cancer Resources- The Center for New Medicine in California, Chris Beat Cancer

Direct Primary Care – Not everyone on here practices holistically, but some do have an integrative model.

Information about Mudpacking or Castor Oil Packing.

Supplement Recommendations- We know and trust supplements from NutriDyn. contact us to order online.

As always, you can follow us on out social medical channels.

Have a great day and good luck on your natural healing journey!