Improve Your Life With QNRT

Discover Real, Long-Term Relief With A QNRT Reset At Secoya Health In Woodbury!

Reset Your Brain

Uncover Patterns Hindering Your Life

Create Healthier Responses To Traumatic Events

Start Enjoying Life Again

Mental Health

Do you ever feel stuck in a rut?

Talk therapy, EMDR, NET, and medications are tools to help you in the short term, but don’t always have long lasting results.

Would it be nice to FEEL differently TODAY?

Stop talking about your problems and start feeling differently about them!

Our treatment approach is non-invasive and does not involve any prescriptions! We frequently work in conjunction with other health care approaches such as talk therapy and can accelerate your healing process. 

We use a variety of treatment methods to mental health symptoms including:

  • QNRT
  • Neurotherapy
  • Pulsed Magnetics
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Chiropractic Brain Balancing

Here’s What Our Participants Had To Say About QNRT

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