Experience The Incredible Benefits of IV Therapy

Discover Real, Long-Term Relief At Secoya Health In Woodbury!

Boost Immunity

Reduce Fatigue

Brighter Skin

Promote Detoxification

Why Use IV Therapy?

It is estimated that up to 92% of the US population is either chronically dehydrated or vitamin deficient. Most people don’t even know they are dehydrated or vitamin deficient, and those who do are quite often taking supplements that don’t actually give them what they need.

When supplements are taken orally, you lose up to 80% of the vitamin’s nutritional value as it moves through your digestive tract. In order for nutrients to reach the cell and work effectively, they must be absorbed and not digested.

Our proprietary blend of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and IV fluids are infused directly into the bloodstream, giving your cells rapid access to the nutrients required to look, feel, and perform at your best.

Absorption Percentage

Oral supplements going through your digestive tract results in only a small portion, or in some cases NONE, of the actual dosage reaching the areas of your body that need it most. IV therapy allows you to skip the digestive tract all together, resulting in 100% absorption.

Absorption Time

Not only does 100% of the IV vitamin get absorbed, you get the dosage in a compressed period of time for maximum effectiveness.

IV Treatments

Optimal Hydration

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Normally $275, now yours for $195.97

    • The Optimal Hydration nutrient IV drip ensures you take in all of the powerful vitamins, minerals, and amino acids your body needs, so you can stay motivated to do more and feel great at the same time.
    • Get High Dose B vitamins to give your brain clarity.
    • Empower your liver to detoxify chemicals, metabolize prescription medicine, and break down damaged blood cells.

Immunity Booster

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Normally $225, now yours for $160.34

  • Natural Defense – Immune Booster 
    • Avoid getting sick by fueling your immune system with high-impact nutrients to keep you resilient.
    • High dose Vitamin C to combat any viral stress.
    • Maintain a healthy nervous system and improve the cardiovascular function of the body. Improve your body’s ability to withstand stress, intense levels of work or travel.

Brain Booster

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  • NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) – Brain Booster 
    • NAD is a powerful coenzyme that plays important roles at the cellular level across your body. From improving cognition functions to boosting your mood, NAD is the holistic IV drip you’ve been waiting for.
    • NAD IV drips helps keep your brain clear and your cells young.
    • This nutrient IV drip is also known for helping people who are with addiction recovery, especially since it assists the serotonin production process, making it much easier to maintain a good mood, fight anxiety symptoms and lift the spirit.

Athlete’s Best Friend

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  • Aminos – Athlete’s Best Friend 
    • Nutrient IV therapy works like a charm, sending high-impact nutrients to the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system entirely. This is an effective way for cells to receive essential vitamins and minerals that help us fight diseases and eliminate toxins.
    • Recover your energy levels naturally and bounce back from complete exhaustion.
    • Increase stamina and energy to perform your best in any physical activity.

Beauty Treatment

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  • Fountain of Youth – Beauty Treatment 
    • Malnutrition and dehydration affect how your skin looks tremendously. The fountain of youth nutrient IV drip helps compensate for that.
    • Rehydrate your skin after excessive sun exposure to avoid wrinkles. Detox and eliminate toxins from your system, so you look younger.
    • Replenish your body with nutrients that nourish your hair, skin, and nails so they appear healthier.